oil binding carpet (1 kolo 0,80 x 30 m), UNIVERSAL (siva) za univerzalno mešanje neagresivnih tekoci

Št. Izdelka:


411,45 € z DDV
(17,14 € na m²)
Opis artikla
Carpet to be laid out in areas such as in front of tooling machines or repair sites, etc., where oils and other non-aggressive fluids must be reliably absorbed. A slip-proof plastic film protects the bottom surface, even under super-saturation or when there is strong pressure against the fluid. The dark covering layer securely retains absorbed fluids in the carpet, and allows for walking and driving over the carpet without damaging it. Due to its dark surface, the carpet has a long service life.

triple-layered structure with a reinforced surface and a sealed and slip-proof foil on the underside
Iz­ved­ba UNI­VER­SAL (siva) za uni­ver­zal­no me­ša­nje ne­a­gre­siv­nih te­ko­čin in olj, črna vrh­nja plo­skev
Mere 1 kolo 0,80 x 30
Spre­jem te­ko­či­ne na valj (pribl.) 103
Dodatne informacije o OLBTPU80
Teža 10 kg / Kos
GTIN 4050571535216
Številka carinskega blaga 56031410

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