MEBH-5/2-1/8-L-B-230AC (173086) solenoid valve

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298,04 € TVA incluse
Valve func­tion 5/2 mo­no­stable
Ac­tua­tion type Elec­tri­cal
Build.width [mm] 17,8
Nor­mal no­mi­nal flow [l/min] 600
Ope­ra­ting pres­sure [bar] 2.5 to 8
Construc­tion set up Pis­ton pu­sher
Reset mode Pneu­ma­tic spring
Per­mis­sion c UL us - Re­co­gni­zed (OL)
Pro­tec­tion ca­te­go­ry IP65
No­mi­nal width [mm] 5
Pitch di­men­sion [mm] 18
Ex­haust func­tion Can be throt­tled
Sea­ling prin­ciple Soft
ins­tal­la­tion po­si­tion ar­bi­tra­ry
Hand as­sist ac­tua­tion With Ac­ces­so­ries rat­che­ting
Control type pilot ope­ra­ted
Control air sup­ply In­ter­nal
Flow di­rec­tion Not re­ver­sible
Über­de­ckung po­si­tive Über­de­ckung
b-​value 0.4
C-​value [l/sbar] 2,95
Shif­ting time off [ms] 18
Shif­ting time on [ms] 15
Power-​on time 100 %
Coil cha­rac­te­ris­tic value 230 V AC: 50/60 Hz, pull-​in power 3 VA, hol­ding power 2.4 VA
Ope­ra­ting me­dium Com­pres­sed air to ISO 8573-​1:2010 [7:4:4]
In­for­ma­tion about ope­ra­ting and control me­dium Oiled ope­ra­tion pos­sible (re­qui­red in fur­ther ope­ra­tions)
Os­cil­la­tion strength Trans­port use test with se­ve­ri­ty level 1 to FN 942017-​4 and EN 60068-​2-6
Shock re­sis­tance Shock test with de­gree of se­ve­ri­ty 2 to FN 942017-​5 and EN 60068-​2-27
Cor­ro­sion re­sis­tant class KBK 2 - mo­de­rate cor­ro­sion stress
Bea­ring tem­pe­ra­ture [°C] -20 to 40
Me­dium tem­pe­ra­ture [°C] -5 to 50
Sound pres­sure level [dB(A)] 75
control me­dium Com­pres­sed air to ISO 8573-​1:2010 [7:4:4]
am­bient tem­pe­ra­ture [°C] -5 to 50
Pro­duct weight [g] 105
Elec­tri­cal connec­tion Wi­ring dia­gram Form C acc. to EN 175301-​803,
Square shape,
acc. to EN 175301-​803
Fas­te­ning type With through­way bores
Ex­haust control connec­tion 82/84 M5
Pneu­ma­tic connec­tion 1 G1/8
Pneu­ma­tic connec­tion 2 G1/8
Pneu­ma­tic connec­tion 3 G1/8
Ma­te­rial in­for­ma­tion RoHs com­pliant
Seals ma­te­rial HNBR,
Hou­sing ma­te­rial Alu­mi­nium die cas­ting
Control pres­sure [bar] 2.5 to 8
Pneu­ma­tic connec­tion 4 G1/8
Pneu­ma­tic connec­tion 5 G1/8
CE cer­ti­fi­cate (see de­cla­ra­tion of confor­mi­ty) to EU low vol­tage di­rec­tive
Informations sur OT-FESTO010448
Poids 105 g / Pièce
GTIN 4052568141684
Numéro des marchandises en douane 84812090
Fabricant Festo

Toutes les données sont fournies à titre de valeurs indicatives ! Nous n'assumons aucune responsabilité pour les sélections de données non confirmées par écrit. Les valeurs de pression correspondent, sauf indication contraire, à des fluides du groupe II à +20°C.
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