Skupina artiklov

Spoj Storz s spojnim drsnim obrocem cevnega spoja, vrtljiv, PN 16


Seal: NBR (stainless steel: FKM)

Temperature range:

-40°C to max. +110°C (Stainless steel: -15°C to max. +200°C)

Operating pressure:

max. 16 bar

Operating range:

Industry, fire brigade, refinery, agriculture, construction industry, maritime, military and catastrophe protection

Dimensions for determining the size of Storz couplings DIN sizes

lug distance 31 mm = Storz size 25-D, lug distance 66 mm = Storz size 52-C, lug distance 89 mm = Storz size 75-B, lug distance 133 mm = Storz size 110-A


•simple assignment of hose end and connection,
•fast connection and disconnection through a 120°-rotation,
•All couplings with the same lug distance are compatible with one another. The rule that applies is: same lug distance, same nominal size,
•large range of applications through the use of application-specific hoses,
•Aluminium forged - no danger of breakage, such as exists with cast couplings of aluminium,
•Brass - body is made of DVGW/KTW-compliant alloy.


Thanks to the conical shape of the clamps, snagging of the hose on obstacles like stairs, ladders or around corners is significantly reduced. Easy, fast and secure tying-in without wire. Suitable for hoses with wall thickness 1.3 to max. 3.4 mm.


•less material damage on hose and couplings from rubbing or pulling,
•assembly with hexagonal Allen key, no special tool or integration device needed,
•low service costs, since repairs possible within very short times.


Več informacij Manj podatkov
Spoj Storz s spojnim drsnim obrocem cevnega spoja, vrtljiv, PN 16:
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