OKS 464 - elektricno prevodna mast za kotalne ležaje
Skupina artiklov
OKS 464 - elektricno prevodna mast za kotalne ležaje
Zgleden uprizoritev: OKS electrically conductive rolling bearing grease (cartridge)
Zgleden uprizoritev: OKS electrically conductive rolling bearing grease (can)
Application area electrical contacts
Field of application electrical engineering/electronics
Field of application: roller bearings
Field of application: slide bearings
Property: high temperatures
Property: low temperatures
Property: compatible with plastic
Property: long-lasting effect
Zgleden uprizoritev: OKS electrically conductive rolling bearing grease (cartridge)
Temperature range:
-40 do +150 °C
Operating range:
Special grease for the long-term lubrication of roller and plain bearings in which electrical charging may develop. For use in, e.g., electric motors, film stretching systems, film printing machines, etc.
Long-term lubricating grease with a wide temperature application range and good corrosion protection. The special lubricant concept ensures that static charges in rolling bearings are dissipated via the grease to prevent voltage discharges. The special grease has proved particularly effective for rolling bearing lubrication at currents below 1 ampere, NLGI class 2.
Vse navedbe podatkov so nezavezujoče orientacijske vrednosti! Za izbiro podatkov, za katere ne izdamo pisnega potrdila, ne prevzemamo jamstev. Navedbe tlaka, v kolikor ni navedeno drugače, se nanašajo na tekočine skupine II. pri +20°C.