Skupina artiklov

Multibox - IQS-vticni prikljucki - standardni (plastika)


This multi-box contains 159 straight screw connections, angle screw connections, straight push-in connectors, T push-in connectors, straight push-in reducers, plus a tube cutter.


For ease of transport and clear arrangement, up to 4 of these multi-boxes can be stowed in the practical multi-box container type MULTIBOX P 1 C.


70 straight screw connections (M 5 - R 1/8" - R 1/4", 4 - 6 - 8 mm hose)

37 Angle-screw connections (M 5 - R 1/8" - R 1/4",, 4 - 6 - 8 mm hose)

21 straight push-in connectors (4 - 6 - 8 mm hose)

21 T push-in connectors (4 - 6 - 8 mm hose)

10 straight push-in reducers (4 - 6 - 8 mm hose)

1 tube cutter


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Multibox - IQS-vticni prikljucki - standardni (plastika):
1 od 1 izdelkov
445,20 € z DDV
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