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Flanschkugelhähne 2-teilig, mit elektrischem Schwenkantrieb, DVGW zertifiziert für Gas, PN 40


•2 zusätzliche Endschalter,
•variable Spannung (Gleich- oder Wechselspannung),
•im Antriebsgehäuse integrierte Heizung,
•Baulänge nach DIN 3202-F4 (DIN EN 558-1, Reihe 14),
•Kugelhahn DVGW zertifiziert für Gas (G 260, MOP 25/40, EN 14141)

Ball valve:


Körper: Stahlguss, Kugel: 1.4408, Dichtungen: PTFE / FKM

Temperature range:

-20 do +180 °C (Brenngase nach G 260: bis max. +60°C)

Operating pressure:

-0,9 do 40 bar


Water, oil, compressed air, vacuum (max. - 0.9 bar), fuels, gases according to DVGW Worksheet up to 40 bar

Rotary actuator:


Electrical rotary actuator with optical position indicator, manual emergency operation and switch room heating Two additional limit switches are installed for further control requirements. An electronic torque limiting unit prevents damage in the event of overload. The manual emergency operation can be done without dismantling the external cladding. Do not use upside down!


Body: PA 6

Temperature range:

-20 do +70 °C


24 - 240 V AC/DC, (drives can be operated with direct or alternating voltage)

Protection class:

IP 67

Power-on time:



Regulating time 140 sec. (only for drive size 2 & 3) -140, "Battery Safety Return" for emergency closing NC (default configuration) or emergency opening NO (conversion with a jumper) when there is a power failure -BSR, Positioning system 0 - 10 V or 4 - 20 mA (conversion with a jumper), precision: 3%, linearity: 2%, hysteresis: 3%, switch position NC or NO (conversion with a jumper) -DPS


In case of high media temperatures, the actuator must be cooled if necessary!


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Flanschkugelhähne 2-teilig, mit elektrischem Schwenkantrieb, DVGW zertifiziert für Gas, PN 40:
4 od 24 izdelkov
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