Adjustable elbow cutting ring screw connection M 14x1,5-10 L (M16x1,5), Zinc plated steel
Item number:
EW 10 LM
Example illustration
Ma­te­r­ial Zinc plated steel
Model se­ries light model se­ries
Pipe di­am­e­ter (outer) 10 L (M16x1,5)
Screw-​in thread M 14x1,5
Op­er­at­ing pres­sure [bar] 315
Tem­per­a­ture range [°C] -35 to +100
Further information:
Weight 105 g / pcs
GTIN 4050571289317
Customs duty number 73079910
RoHS compliant Yes
Zeichnung: Einstellbare Winkel-Einschraubverschraubung, metrisch
Landefeld Druckluft und Hydraulik GmbH · Konrad-Zuse-Straße 1 · 34123 Kassel · Germany
All data are to be understood as non-binding reference values! We do not assume liability for any data selection not confirmed in writing. Unless otherwise specified, pressure values refer to liquids from Group II at +20°C.
As of: 28.03.2025