VZWP-L-M22C-G1-250-V-1P4-40 (1489949) solenoid valve

Št. Izdelka:


304,75 € z DDV
Con­struc­ti­on set up Pre-​controlled pi­ston po­ppet valve
Ac­tu­a­ti­on type Elec­tri­cal
Se­a­ling prin­ci­ple Soft
in­stal­la­ti­on po­si­ti­on Coil pre­fe­ren­tal­ly up
Fa­ste­ning type pipe in­stal­la­ti­on
Fit­ting con­nec­ti­on G1
Elec­tri­cal con­nec­ti­on Wi­ring di­a­gram Form A acc. to EN 175301-​803,
Squa­re shape,
acc. to EN 175301-​803
No­mi­nal width [mm] 25
Valve func­ti­on 2/2 clo­sed mo­no­sta­ble
Hand as­sist ac­tu­a­ti­on none
Flow di­rec­ti­on Not re­ver­si­ble
me­di­um Com­pres­sed air to ISO 8573-​1:2010 [7:4:4],
Inert gases,
Ne­u­tral li­quids,
Other media on re­quest
No­mi­nal pres­su­re fit­ting 40
pres­su­re di­ffe­ren­ce [bar] 0,5
Coil cha­rac­te­ri­stic value 24 V DC: 6,8 W
In­su­la­ti­on ma­te­ri­al class H
Per­mit­ted vol­ta­ge oscil­la­ti­ons ± 10 %
Power-​on time 100 %
Con­trol type pilot ope­ra­ted
Me­di­um pres­su­re [bar] 0.5 to 40
Max. vi­sco­si­ty [mm²/s] 22
Me­di­um tem­pe­ra­tu­re [°C] -10 to 80
am­bi­ent tem­pe­ra­tu­re [°C] -10 to 35
Leak rate to EN 12266-​1 A
Flow Kv [m³/h] 11,5
Nor­mal no­mi­nal flow [l/min] 12.250
Shifting time on [ms] 130
Shifting time off [ms] 300
Ma­te­ri­al in­for­ma­ti­on LABS con­ta­in­ing ma­te­ri­als in­clu­ded,
RoHs com­pli­ant
Ho­u­sing ma­te­ri­al Brass cast
Ma­te­ri­al num­ber ho­u­sing CW617N
Seals ma­te­ri­al FPM
Scre­ws ma­te­ri­al High-​alloyed sta­in­less ste­els
Ma­te­ri­al num­ber screw 1.4301
Pro­duct wei­ght [g] 1.400
Pro­tec­ti­on ca­te­go­ry IP65
Cor­ro­si­on re­si­s­tant class KBK 1 - low cor­ro­si­on stress
Dodatne informacije o OT-FESTO037667
Teža 1.400 g / Kos
GTIN 4052568233723
Številka carinskega blaga 84818079
Proizvajalec Festo

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