Safety nozzle for blow gun, M 12x1,25 (Male thread)


Zgleden uprizoritev: Safety nozzle for blowguns detailed view: Safety nozzle with air shield
7,51€ z DDV
{{ $t('shop.display.artikel.hinweis_alternative') }}
{{ $t('shop.display.artikel.beschreibung_headline') }}
Nozzle with centre hole and a lateral circular slot or. boreholes on the side. Protective screen formation against rebounding chippings. When closing the nozzle bore or. air venting takes place through the circular slot or the boreholes to the side.
{{ $t('shop.display.artikel.eigenschaften_headline') }}
Material Aluminij
Navoj zunanji M 12x1,25
Adapter za vgradnjo linije (G 1/4 AG) RN 14-M12X1,25 MS
{{ $t('shop.all.gewicht') }} 6,4 g / Kos
{{ $t('shop.all.gtin') }} 4050571856298
{{ $t('shop.display.artikel.zollwarennummer') }} 84249080
{{ $t('shop.display.artikel.rohskonform') }} {{ $t('shop.all.ja') }}
{{ $t('shop.all.dokumente') }}
    Catalogue page Atlas 9 (Page 931) atlas9_seiten/931.pdf
    Dokumentacijo: Blow-out guns doku/blp.pdf
    3D CAD file (volume model) protected/cad/3d/70164/sd-blp#13228.stp

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{{ countdownAsString }} {{ $t('shop.modules.navi.fruehbucher-spaetbestellhinweis.noch') }}
{{ $t('shop.modules.navi.fruehbucher-spaetbestellhinweis.noch') }} {{ countdownAsString }}

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{{ $t('shop.modules.navi.fruehbucher-spaetbestellhinweis.noch') }} {{ countdownAsString }}

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