Multiple coupling 12x 4mm Schl.,Objemka brez protiprašnega pokrova

MFK 412 MU

Zgleden uprizoritev: Multiple coupling, socket with dust cover
128,57€ z DDV
{{ $t('shop.display.artikel.hinweis_alternative') }}
{{ $t('shop.display.artikel.beschreibung_headline') }}
For a quick and high safety standard coupling of several pneumatic hoses and multiple hoses.

Body and plug plate: Technopolymer, seal: NBR, push-in connector: brass

Temperature range:
-20 do +70 °C

Plugs and sleeves can only be coupled together if they are the same size and same number of lines.
{{ $t('shop.display.artikel.eigenschaften_headline') }}
Izvedba Objemka brez protiprašnega pokrova
Premer mehke cevi (zunaj) 4
Število vodov 12
obojestransko zaporen ne
Velikost 1
B 116
A 103
Obratovalni tlak od -0,99 do 15
C 86
Nadomestni O-obročki MFK 4 OR
{{ $t('shop.all.gewicht') }} 330 g / Kos
{{ $t('shop.all.gtin') }} 4050571489496
{{ $t('shop.display.artikel.zollwarennummer') }} 74122000
{{ $t('shop.all.dokumente') }}
    Catalogue page Atlas 9 (Page 322) atlas9_seiten/322.pdf
    Dokumentacijo doku/mfk.pdf
    3D CAD file (volume model) protected/cad/3d/72420/mfk412mu#48420.stp
  • {{ $t('shop.display.datenblatt.titel') }} (Pogled za tiskanje)

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{{ countdownAsString }} {{ $t('shop.modules.navi.fruehbucher-spaetbestellhinweis.noch') }}
{{ $t('shop.modules.navi.fruehbucher-spaetbestellhinweis.noch') }} {{ countdownAsString }}

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{{ $t('shop.modules.navi.fruehbucher-spaetbestellhinweis.noch') }} {{ countdownAsString }}

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