HSS-G Co 5 centre drill DIN 333, 2,0x5,0mm

Št. Izdelka:


5,59 € z DDV
Opis artikla
Right-hand cutting centre drill, form A, countersink angle 60°, surface bright, for producing centre holes according to DIN 332-1, form A (without protection countersink)


Use for steel, cast steel alloyed and unalloyed (<800 N/mm² tensile strength), grey, malleable, nodular and die cast iron, sintered iron, nickel silver, graphite, short-chipping aluminium alloys, brass, bronze and plastics.

HSS-G Co 5 (HSS-E):
Use for steel, cast steel alloyed and unalloyed (<1300 N/mm² tensile strength), grey, malleable, nodular and die cast iron, sintered iron, nickel silver, graphite, short-chipping aluminium alloys, brass, bronze and plastics. Can also be used for hot and cold work steels, as well as rust and acid resistant steels (stainless steels V2A / V4A).
Ka­ko­vost HSS-G Co 5
Iz­ved­ba Po­sa­me­zni cen­trir­ni vr­tal­nik
Pre­mer 2,0
Pre­mer jaška 5,0
Sku­pna dol­ži­na 40
Dodatne informacije o BOHRZB2HSSCO
Teža 4,5 g / Kos
GTIN 4050571923518
Številka carinskega blaga 82075060
Skladno z RoHS Da

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še 73 Min.

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