EMMS-AS-140-LK-HV-RM-S1 (1574708) servo motor

Št. Izdelka:


3.991,49 € z DDV
am­bi­ent tem­pe­ra­tu­re [°C] -10 to 40
Be­a­ring tem­pe­ra­tu­re [°C] -20 to 60
Re­la­ti­ve hu­mi­di­ty 0 - 90 %
Com­pli­es to stan­dard IEC 60034
In­su­la­ti­on pro­tec­ti­on class F
Me­a­su­re­ment class accor­ding to DIN 60034-​1 S1
Tem­pe­ra­tu­re mo­ni­to­ring PTC re­si­s­tan­ce
Pro­tec­ti­on ca­te­go­ry IP65
Elec­tri­cal con­nec­ti­on te­ch­no­lo­gy Plug
Ma­te­ri­al in­for­ma­ti­on RoHs com­pli­ant
Cor­ro­si­on re­si­s­tant class KBK 2 - mo­de­ra­te cor­ro­si­on stress
Per­mis­si­on RCM mark,
c UL us - Re­co­gni­zed (OL)
CE cer­ti­fi­ca­te (see de­cla­ra­ti­on of con­for­mi­ty) to EU EMC di­rec­ti­ve,
to EU low vol­ta­ge di­rec­ti­ve
No­mi­nal vol­ta­ge DC [V] 565
Win­ding swit­ching type Star in­ter­nal
Pol­pa­ar­zahl 6
Stan­dstill torque [Nm] 25,50
No­mi­nal torque [Nm] 17,41
Peak torque [Nm] 67,5
No­mi­nal ro­ta­ti­o­nal speed [1/min] 2.800
Max. speed [1/min] 3.830
No­mi­nal per­for­man­ce motor [W] 5.110
No­mi­nal cur­rent motor [A] 9,96
Peak cur­rent [A] 51,5
Motor con­stant [Nm/A] 1,750
Vol­ta­ge con­stant phase-​phase [mVmin] 104,41
Win­ding re­si­s­tan­ce phase-​phase [Ohm] 0,586
Win­ding in­duc­ti­vi­ty phase-​phase [mH] 4,65
Total ou­tput mo­ment of gyra­ti­on [kg/cm²] 19,027
Pro­duct wei­ght [g] 16.200
Per­mit­ted axial shaft lo­a­ding [N] 200
Per­mit­ted ra­di­al shaft lo­a­ding [N] 1.060
Rotor po­si­ti­on tran­sdu­cer En­co­der ab­so­lut multi turn
Rotor po­si­ti­on tran­sdu­cer in­ter­fa­ce EnDat 22
Rotor po­si­ti­on tran­sdu­cer me­a­su­re­ment prin­ci­ple In­duc­ti­ve
MTTF, part com­po­nent 76 years, rotor po­si­ti­on sen­sor
MTTFd, part com­po­nent 152 years, rotor po­si­ti­on sen­sor
Shaft de­sign fe­a­ther key DIN 6885,
A 8 x 7 x 40
Rotor po­si­ti­on tran­sdu­cer re­so­lu­ti­on [Bit] 19
Dodatne informacije o OT-FESTO037893
GTIN 4052568242053
Številka carinskega blaga 85015220
Proizvajalec Festo

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