DHTG-220-4-A (548093) rotary indexing table

Št. Izdelka:


6.277,71 € z DDV
size 220
Pa­ral­le­li­ty plate [mm] <= 0,04 mm
Plan run plate [mm] <= 0,02 mm
Con­cen­tri­ci­ty plate [mm] <= 0,02 mm
Re­pe­a­ta­bi­li­ty of the swi­vel angle [deg] <= 0,03 deg
Dam­pe­ning YSRJ: Shock ab­sor­ber, hard cha­rac­te­ri­stic curve, Ali­gna­ble
in­stal­la­ti­on po­si­ti­on ar­bi­trary
Prin­ci­ple of ope­ra­ti­on do­u­ble ac­ting
Con­struc­ti­on set up To­o­thed rack/pi­ni­on,
Force con­trol­led mo­ve­ment cycle,
Sproc­ket co­u­pling
Po­si­ti­on de­tec­ti­on For in­duc­ti­ve sen­sors
Par­ti­ti­on 4
Ope­ra­ting pres­su­re [bar] 4 to 8
Ope­ra­ting me­di­um Com­pres­sed air to ISO 8573-​1:2010 [7:4:4]
In­for­ma­ti­on about ope­ra­ting and con­trol me­di­um Oiled ope­ra­ti­on pos­si­ble (re­qui­red in further ope­ra­ti­ons)
Cor­ro­si­on re­si­s­tant class KBK 2 - mo­de­ra­te cor­ro­si­on stress
Sound pres­su­re level [dB(A)] <= 70 dB(A)
am­bi­ent tem­pe­ra­tu­re [°C] 5 to 60
Max. axial force sta­tic [N] 5.000
Max. til­ting torque sta­tic [Nm] 500
Max. ra­di­al force sta­tic [N] 8.000
Max. tan­gen­ti­al torque sta­tic [Nm] 500
The­o­re­ti­cal torque at 6 bar [Nm] 58,9
Pro­duct wei­ght [g] 24.000
Fa­ste­ning type With Thro­u­gh­way bore and cen­tring slee­ve
Pne­u­ma­tic con­nec­ti­on fe­ma­le thre­ad G1/8
Plate ma­te­ri­al Zinc pla­ted steel
Ma­te­ri­al in­for­ma­ti­on Co­pper and PTFE-​free,
RoHs com­pli­ant
Sto­ppers ma­te­ri­al Zinc pla­ted steel
Cover ma­te­ri­al Alu­mi­ni­um wro­u­ght alloy
Seals ma­te­ri­al NBR,
Ho­u­sing ma­te­ri­al Alu­mi­ni­um wro­u­ght alloy
Dodatne informacije o OT-FESTO024478
Teža 24.000 g / Kos
GTIN 4052568189815
Številka carinskega blaga 84798997
Proizvajalec Festo

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