487,57 € z DDV
Opis artikla
Body and swivel table anodized aluminum, Piston: Stainless steel with magnet insert, Pinion: Steel, Seals: NBR

Temperature range:
0 do +60 °C

Operating pressure:
max. 10 bar (size 7: max. 7 bar), with shock absorbers: max. 6 bar

Swivel angle:
adjustable 0° - 190°

With Magnetic piston

Cylinder switch type:

•Positioning hole on swivel table, body top and body at bottom for repeatable workpiece mounting,
•Internal table diameter and external table diameter as well as bottom hole suitable for precise alignment of the swivel axis,
•Simple fitting from below and above,
•Hollow shaft for media supply to devices mounted on the swivel table,
•Air connection either from the front or laterally (closed with sealing plugs),
•Main dimensions identical to SMC series MSQ / EMSQ
Iz­ved­ba z amor­ti­zer­jem
Ve­li­kost 10
Naj­manj­ši kot za­su­ka za po­poln uči­nek bla­že­nja 61
Op­ti­ma­len čas ni­ha­nja za 90° 0,2 - 0,7
Obra­to­val­ni tlak Najv. 6
G (pri­klju­ček sti­snje­ne­ga zraka) M 5
Op­cij­ski pri­klju­ček sti­snje­ne­ga zraka (za­pr­to) M 5
Kom­ple­ti za po­pra­vi­la EMQ 10 REP
Na­do­me­stni amor­ti­zer (1 kos) EMQ 10 SD
AA 52,8
A 50
AV 20,0
AW 15,5
AY 4
BA 9,5
BB 34,5
BC 28,0
BD 60
BE 27
CA 5,0
CB 28,0
D (h9) 45
DD (h9) 46
DE (H9) 20
DF 5
DG (H9) 15
FA 7,8
FB 4,5
FC 3,5
FD 4,5
H 13
J 6,8
JA 11
JB 6,5
JC M 8
JC1 12
JJ M 5
JU M 8x1 (IG)
Q 34
S 92
SD 9,0
SE 13
SF 45
SU 30,9
UU 47
WA 15,0
WB 3H9 (3,5 glo­bo­ko)
WD M 5
WD1 8
WF 32
XA 27
YA 19
Dodatne informacije o EMQ10R
Teža 600 g / Kos
GTIN 4050571935689
Številka carinskega blaga 84123100
Skladno z RoHS Da
Proizvajalec EMC

Vse navedbe podatkov so nezavezujoče orientacijske vrednosti! Za izbiro podatkov, za katere ne izdamo pisnega potrdila, ne prevzemamo jamstev. Navedbe tlaka, v kolikor ni navedeno drugače, se nanašajo na tekočine skupine II. pri +20°C.
Takoj dobavljivo
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