22,00 € z DDV
(176,00 € na kg)
Opis artikla
Properties, Tangit:
Tangit PVC-U, the proven basic glue for PVC-U glued fittings in the brush-in-cap can (125 g is supplied in the form of a tube). The glued joint is as strong as the raw material PVC-U (exception: concentrated acids, alkalis and strong oxidising agents). WRAS approval. Open time approx. 4 minutes, final strength after 24 hours.

Properties, Tangit DTX:
Tangit DTX special adhesives for critical media like sulphuric acid (<93%), hydrochloric acid (<37%), nitric acid (<55%), sodium hypochlorite (<15%), hydrogen peroxide (<70%), hydrofluoric acid (<40%). Opening time approx. 1 minute, final strength after 48 hours.

Properties, WDF-05:
Express adhesive in the brush tin. The adhesive joint is as strong as the raw material PVC-U (exception: concentrated acids, alkalis and strong oxidising agents). WRAS approval. Open time <1 minute, final strength 15 minutes to 16 hours depending on the diameter and the pressure.

Before gluing, clean the surfaces to be glued with Tangit PVC cleaner.
Iz­ved­ba Tan­git
Vse­bi­na 125
Entzündlich Ätzend Reizend Gesundheitsschädlich
Dodatne informacije o TANGITKLEB12
Teža 155 g / Kos
Številka carinskega blaga 35061000
Proizvajalec Henkel

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