VMPA-ASI-EPL-G-8E8A-Z (546993) electrical interface



375,66 € inkl. moms
Pro­duct weight [g] 360
Pro­tection ca­te­gory IP20
Cor­ro­sion re­si­stant class KBK 1 - low cor­ro­sion stress
Ma­te­ri­al in­for­ma­tion RoHs com­pli­ant
am­bi­ent tem­pe­ra­tu­re [°C] -5 to 50
Hou­sing ma­te­ri­al PA,
Alu­mi­ni­um die ca­sting
Di­men­sions W x L x H 85 mm x 122.9 mm x 55.1 mm
Fi­eld­bus in­ter­face So­ck­et, M12 (ASI Out),
plug, M12 (ASI In)
De­vi­ce spe­ci­fic di­ag­no­sis Wat­ch­dog / IO sta­tus,
ASI ad­dress,
ASI vol­ta­ge,
Ad­di­tio­nal sup­ply mis­sing or under-​voltage
Max. num­ber of valve spa­ces 8
Re­spon­se delay in­puts Ty­pi­cal: 3 ms at 24 V
Quan­ti­ty sla­ves per de­vi­ce 2
Ope­rat­ing vol­ta­ge range DC electro­ni­cs / sen­sor US+ / US- : <= AS-​Interface bus vol­ta­ge - 2,5V
Ope­rat­ing vol­ta­ge DC AS in­ter­face [V] 26.5 to 31.6
Ope­rat­ing vol­ta­ge DC load vol­ta­ge [V] 21.6 to 26.4
In­for­ma­tion about load vol­ta­ge Via load vol­ta­ge con­nection (24 V DC)
Logic level di­gi­tal in­puts OFF: -30 - 5V,
ON: 11 - 30V
Max. num­ber of in­puts 8
Resi­du­al rip­ple AS in­ter­face <= 20 mVss
Resi­du­al rip­ple load vol­ta­ge 4 Vss
Power input for load sup­ply from AS in­ter­face and load vol­ta­ge con­nection Max. cu­mu­la­ti­ve in­puts 350 mA,
max. cu­mu­la­ti­ve cur­rent out­puts MPA1: 540 mA,
max. cu­mu­la­ti­ve cur­rent out­puts MPA2: 1065 mA
Bea­ring tem­pe­ra­tu­re [°C] -20 to 40
Cha­ra­cte­ri­stic cur­ves in­puts to IEC 1131-​2 type 02
Swit­ching logic in­puts PNP (Po­si­ti­ve swit­ching)
Ad­dres­sing area Stan­dard slave: 1 ... 31
LED dis­play bus spe­ci­fic AS-i: As in­ter­face Ope­ra­tion,
Aux/pwr: As in­ter­face vol­ta­ge sup­ply,
Fault: As in­ter­face Error
LED dis­play pro­duct spe­ci­fic Sig­nal at input / out­put
Pro­duct iden­ti­fi­ca­tion ID-​Code: ID=Fh, ID1=Fh, ID2=Eh,
IO code: 7h,
Pro­fi­le: S-7.F.E
Fa­ste­ning type With throug­hway bores,
With Slot rail,
Yderligere oplysninger om OT-FESTO025806
Vægt 360 g / styk
GTIN 4052568185671
Toldvarenummer 85371098
Producent Festo

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