138,66 € inkl. moms
Valve fun­ction 3/2 clo­sed mo­nostab­le
Actu­a­tion type Electri­cal
Build.width [mm] 18
Nor­mal no­mi­nal flow [l/min] 400
Ope­rat­ing pres­su­re [bar] -0.9 to 8
Con­struction set up Pressure-​relieved pop­pet valve
Reset mode Me­cha­ni­cal spring
Pro­tection ca­te­gory IP65
Per­mis­sion RCM mark,
c UL us - Recog­nized (OL)
No­mi­nal width [mm] 4
Pitch di­men­sion [mm] 24
Exhaust fun­ction Can be thrott­led
Se­a­ling prin­cip­le Soft
in­stal­la­tion po­si­tion ar­bi­trary
Hand as­sist actu­a­tion ten­ta­ti­ve
Con­trol type Di­rect
Flow di­rection Re­ver­sib­le with li­mi­ta­tions
Über­deck­ung ne­ga­ti­ve Über­deck­ung
Ope­rat­ing pres­su­re re­ver­sib­le [bar] -0.9 to 1
Max. swit­ching frequen­cy [Hz] 210
Shif­ting time off [ms] 3,5
Shif­ting time on [ms] 3,5
Power-​on time 100 %
Coil cha­ra­cte­ri­stic value 24 V DC: Low cur­rent phase 2.125 W, high cur­rent phase 8,5 W
Per­mit­ted vol­ta­ge oscil­la­tions ± 10 %
Ope­rat­ing me­di­um Com­pres­sed air to ISO 8573-​1:2010 [7:4:4]
In­for­ma­tion about ope­rat­ing and con­trol me­di­um Oiled ope­ra­tion po­s­sib­le (requi­red in furt­her ope­ra­tions)
Oscil­la­tion strength Trans­port use test with se­ve­ri­ty level 2 to FN 942017-​4 and EN 60068-​2-6
Shock re­si­stan­ce Shock test with de­gree of se­ve­ri­ty 2 to FN 942017-​5 and EN 60068-​2-27
Cor­ro­sion re­si­stant class KBK 2 - mo­de­ra­te cor­ro­sion stress
Me­di­um tem­pe­ra­tu­re [°C] -5 to 40
am­bi­ent tem­pe­ra­tu­re [°C] -5 to 40
Pro­duct weight [g] 270
Electri­cal con­nection cable
Fa­ste­ning type on PR strip
Pne­u­ma­tic con­nection 1 Con­nection plate
Pne­u­ma­tic con­nection 2 Con­nection plate
Pne­u­ma­tic con­nection 3 Con­nection plate
Ma­te­ri­al in­for­ma­tion Cop­per and PTFE-​free,
RoHs com­pli­ant
Seals ma­te­ri­al HNBR,
Hou­sing ma­te­ri­al Co­a­ted,
Zinc pres­su­re cast
Screws ma­te­ri­al Zinc pla­ted steel
KC-​mark KC-​EMV
CE cer­ti­fi­ca­te (see decla­ra­tion of con­for­mi­ty) to EU EMC di­recti­ve
Re­ver­se po­la­ri­ty pro­tection Bipo­lar
Ad­di­tio­nal fun­ctions Spark sup­pres­sion,
Hol­ding cur­rent re­duction,
pro­tection circu­it
To­le­ran­ce shif­ting time off +10 %/-40 %
To­le­ran­ce shif­ting time on +10%/-30%
Shif­ting time scat­ter from 1 Hz [ms] 0,3
Cable length [MTR] 2,5
Cable sle­e­ve ma­te­ri­al PUR
Yderligere oplysninger om OT-FESTO012563
Vægt 270 g / styk
GTIN 4052568161477
Toldvarenummer 84812090
Producent Festo

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