ESBF-BS-63-400-10P (574099) electric cylinder



2.591,45 € inkl. moms
size 63
Stro­ke [mm] 400
Pi­ston rod thre­ad M16x1,5
Re­ver­sing play [µm] 30
Spind­le di­a­me­ter [mm] 25
Spind­le pitch [mm/U] 10,0
Max. twist angle of the pi­ston rod ± [deg] 0,40
Based on stan­dard ISO 15552
in­stal­la­tion po­si­tion ar­bi­trary
Pi­ston rod end Male thre­ad
Motor type Servo motor
Po­si­tion de­tection For proxi­mi­ty switch
Con­struction set up Electro-​cylinder with ball screw thre­ad
Spind­le type Ball screw
Anti-​twist lock / guide Slide gu­i­ded
Max. ac­ce­le­ra­tion [m/s²] 15,0
Max. speed [m/s] 0,530
Repe­a­ta­bi­li­ty ±0.01 mm
Power-​on time 100 %
Cor­ro­sion re­si­stant class KBK 2 - mo­de­ra­te cor­ro­sion stress
Bea­ring tem­pe­ra­tu­re [°C] -20 to 60
Food com­pa­ti­bi­li­ty See ex­pan­ded ma­te­ri­al in­for­ma­tion
Re­la­ti­ve hu­mi­di­ty 0 - 95 %
Pro­tection ca­te­gory IP40
am­bi­ent tem­pe­ra­tu­re [°C] 0 to 60
Max. actu­a­tor torque [Nm] 13,1
Max. ra­di­al force on drive shaft [N] 700
Max. feed force Fx [N] 7.000
Empty run actu­a­tor torque [Nm] 0,45
Gu­i­de­li­ne pay­lo­ad, ho­rizon­tal [KGM] 700
Gu­i­de­li­ne pay­lo­ad, ver­ti­cal [KGM] 700
Mass iner­tia JH per metre stro­ke [kg/cm²] 2,8592
Mass iner­tia JL per kg us­ab­le load [kg/cm²] 0,02533
Mass iner­tia JO [kg/cm²] 0,48631
Moving mass at 0 mm stro­ke [g] 1.829
Weight sup­ple­ment per 10 mm stro­ke [g] 87
Base weight at 0 mm stro­ke [g] 3.163
Sup­ple­ment moved mass per 10 mm stro­ke [g] 52
Fa­ste­ning type With fe­ma­le thre­ad,
or ac­ces­sory
In­ter­face code actu­a­tor D60
Ma­te­ri­al in­for­ma­tion LABS con­tai­ning ma­te­ri­als in­clu­ded,
RoHs com­pli­ant
Cover ma­te­ri­al Cast alu­mi­ni­um,
Pi­ston rod ma­te­ri­al High-​alloyed stain­less ste­els
Screws ma­te­ri­al Zinc pla­ted steel
Spind­le nut ma­te­ri­al Rol­ler bea­ring steel
Spind­le ma­te­ri­al Rol­ler bea­ring steel
Cy­lin­der tube ma­te­ri­al Alu­mi­ni­um wrought alloy,
Smoo­th ano­di­sed
Yderligere oplysninger om OT-FESTO034726
Vægt 7 kg / styk
GTIN 4052568221966
Toldvarenummer 84799070
Producent Festo

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