192,63 € inkl. moms
Stro­ke [mm] 10
Pi­ston di­a­me­ter 18 mm,
Equi­va­lent di­a­me­ter
Max. twist angle of the pi­ston rod ± [deg] 1,2
Dam­pe­ning P: Ela­stic si­len­cer rings / pla­tes double-​sided
in­stal­la­tion po­si­tion ar­bi­trary
Prin­cip­le of ope­ra­tion doub­le acting
Con­struction set up Pi­ston,
pi­ston rod
Po­si­tion de­tection For proxi­mi­ty switch
Anti-​twist lock / guide Oval pi­ston
Ope­rat­ing pres­su­re [bar] 1 to 10
Ope­rat­ing me­di­um Com­pres­sed air to ISO 8573-​1:2010 [7:4:4]
In­for­ma­tion about ope­rat­ing and con­trol me­di­um Oiled ope­ra­tion po­s­sib­le (requi­red in furt­her ope­ra­tions)
Cor­ro­sion re­si­stant class KBK 2 - mo­de­ra­te cor­ro­sion stress
am­bi­ent tem­pe­ra­tu­re [°C] -20 to 80
Max. torque of anti-​rotation sa­fe­ty [Nm] 0,2
The­o­re­ti­cal force at 6 bar, Re­turn flow [N] 123
The­o­re­ti­cal force at 6 bar, flow [N] 153
Moving mass at 0 mm stro­ke [g] 24
Weight sup­ple­ment per 10 mm stro­ke [g] 13
Base weight at 0 mm stro­ke [g] 107
Sup­ple­ment moved mass per 10 mm stro­ke [g] 4
Fa­ste­ning type With fe­ma­le thre­ad,
With Ac­ces­so­ri­es,
Pne­u­ma­tic con­nection M5
Cover ma­te­ri­al Alu­mi­ni­um wrought alloy
Seals ma­te­ri­al NBR,
Hou­sing ma­te­ri­al alu­mi­ni­um,
Smoo­th ano­di­sed
Pi­ston rod ma­te­ri­al High-​alloyed stain­less ste­els
Yderligere oplysninger om OT-FESTO006703
Vægt 120 g / styk
GTIN 4052568012946
Toldvarenummer 84123100
Producent Festo

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